If there’s a need to summarize the main theme of “The cobbler and his sons” briefly in general terms, it can be said that it’s a life episode in which attitudes and manners of old and new, progressive and regressive are in conflict….the drama of the lame cobbler and his family….the mechanization of agriculture…the rise of prices in agricultural products at full speed…..the flux of peasants to the big cities…..the dissolution and collapse of small scale artisans losing their positions against the speed of industrialization.

“From whichever religion,colour and race they may be, whatever language they speak and wherever on earth they may live, humanbeings are engaged in a fight for a happier life.The lame cobbler also conducts this kind of a struggle,who is obliged to make living for his family.”



This novel is the most powerful of the works he had created in the recent years.It’s obvious that Orhan Kemal who narrates the dissolution of rooted land owner families and medium and small scale artisans who can’t position themselves against the mechanization of agriculture,rise in prices,peasant influx,the acceleration of economic and social change, in a style peculiar to him is most successful at these subjects.Oriented to certain social issues,more towards the aspect in his lesser novels,Orhan Kemal could find a better way in this novel of his; attempting to enter the novel with a populous artisan family - the lame cobbler and his sons. Crushing of the cobbler who returned from the war of Tripoli, his leg cut and his family under new circumstances and their tumling down to the lowest point of poverty in the cotton fields are conducted with a strong and vivid narration.Here the old and lame cobbler’s unableness to forget his own wealthy family home,his struggling desperately in the pit that he has fallen, his helplessness among the crowd of his sons and grandchildren, the whole family’s writhing in the hands of malaria and mosquitos in the cotton fields and the family of ten people who cling to themselves more and more as they keep falling who do not understand the reasons of what’s happening.because of hunger and misery, standing before the cobbler as an enigma, who indeed could not conceive the things happenning between the earth and the sky, are all told with a competency suitable to the requirements of the essence. According to me,this is the most successful piece that Orhan Kemal has written in the recent years. (1963)